The skin around the eyes is very fine and thin, without a fat membrane, the collagen fibers responsible for its elasticity are present in small amounts. The most common problems are dryness, swelling due to accumulation of lymph and dark circles due to impaired microcirculation.
The first wrinkles appear in this area. Another obvious problem with age-related changes is the drop in the upper eyelid, which visually adds years.
Deterioration of the skin structure is exacerbated by aggressive environmental effects, ultraviolet radiation from the sun, oxidative processes caused by dehydration.
It is impossible to reverse time, but a few simple rules will help rejuvenate the skin around the eyes and slow down its aging.
The dream of beauty
“Sleeping beauty” is not just a term, but truly the key to prolonging youth. A complete night’s rest restores the natural balance of the epidermal layer and increases the effectiveness of the cosmetics used.
The process of cell regeneration takes place at night, so the epidermis automatically regenerates during sleep. In the absence of rest, there are signs of age-related changes - dark circles and bags under the eyes, wrinkles become more pronounced.

Choosing the right cream
Anti-aging eye creams are light, easy to apply and absorb. There are usually no fragrances that can cause hypersensitivity (sensitization) in skin cells.
Retinol, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and herbal extracts are generally key ingredients in anti-aging products that provide long-term hydration to the epidermal layer, stimulate collagen and elastin synthesis, smooth wrinkles, reduce puffiness, and lighten swelling.
When choosing a cream, you should focus on the needs of your skin. If you are prone to swelling and dark circles, look for ingredients such as vitamin K, caffeine, cornflower or arnica extract in addition to anti-aging ingredients.
Sun protection
THEquality sunglasses protect the delicate skin around the eyes that are most sensitive to photography. It is especially important to use it during peak sunlight - between 10 and 16 hours.
Thanks to this protection, fine lines and wrinkles are noticeably reduced, and the skin does not suffer from dryness and dehydration.
Folk remedies
Don’t ignore the use of folk remedies aimed at rejuvenating the skin around the eyes. Such procedures are no less effective than the use of expensive cosmetic products.
Boil 2 tbsp. leafy green tea and 1 teaspoon. mint in a glass of mineral water. Add a teaspoon to the resulting infusion. cucumber juice and strain. The product perfectly tones the epidermis, smoothes fine wrinkles and relieves eye fatigue.

Sour Cream Mask
Helps restore eye contour, leaving skin fresher and more relaxed. Add a teaspoon of thick sour cream. avocado oil, pomegranate or peach oil. Leave until completely absorbed. Wash off with cool water. It is advisable to apply the mask twice a week.
Banana Cream Mask
Due to the large amount of vitamins and moisturizing cream, bananas are an excellent natural, easily available medicine with a pronounced anti-aging effect.
To a small ripe banana puree, add ½ teaspoons. cream or the same amount of honey. Mix well, apply to skin and leave on for 15-20 minutes. The procedure reduces swelling, smoothes wrinkles, restores the elasticity of the epidermis.
Coconut oil
One of the best base oils to reduce eye wrinkles and slow down skin aging due to its high antioxidant and saturated fat content.
After a few days of regular use, you will see how your skin becomes smoother and younger. At night, a few drops of oil are applied with gentle massaging movements.
Proper water intake and nutrition with plenty of vegetables and fruits will help maintain the elasticity of the epidermal layer and prevent premature wrinkles.